Wednesday, October 10, 2007


It’s fall in the Northeast: The days are getting shorter and the average temperature is falling into the 50’s – a sad realization that my afternoon hikes will soon be a thing of the past.

I love this time of year; the crisp air, fresh produce, fall foliage. Folks will soon “take to their houses” for the winter months.

I lost the first big chunk of my weight while power walking during the late winter months of this year. The weather made no difference at all. If it was snowing or sleeting or windy or sub-zero – I was still outside, bundled up and moving my fanny. The roads were mine and mine alone. My neighbors would see me out there late into the evening, circling my neighborhood’s one mile loop, sometimes as many as five or six times a night. I was bundled up in a teal-colored L.L. Bean down jacket and at times nothing but my eyes were visible. I really enjoyed the whole experience, and I couldn’t get enough! I recall the weird adjustment the first time I took a walk without a jacket. I felt naked.

Well, here we are again. Only this time I am FIT and near my goal weight. It takes a lot more than a power walk to get my heart rate up these days, so it will be interesting to see how I manage to burn calories during the coming winter months. I have plans to break out my old cross-country skis, and perhaps do some ice-skating. Well, maybe not ice-skating - I do not fall well now, so I may stick to activities that are low on the broken bone list of hazards. I also have my eyes on a pair of snowshoes as well. The new ones are a far cry from the bent wood rawhide shoes of my younger days!

I’ll be celebrating my 38th birthday in November. I’m indifferent on that subject. Not really upset or dreading it in any way. I think 40 may require a bit more thought with regard to my own mortality, but I’m in good shape both physically and mentally, so I expect that eventual moment of introspection to be relatively easy.

The cooler temperatures of late have me thinking about Thanksgiving and Christmas and what to prepare for food. Holiday food has always been healthy for me – lean meats and seasonal vegetables with a few special desserts. My problem was always that I simply ate too much. It is my plan to tackle the holiday table with portion control and not to deny myself anything. I love to cook and I love to eat! With my newfound knowledge of nutrition and healthy eating, this should be the first of many enjoyable holiday seasons!


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