Thursday, September 20, 2007

Scale Hoppin'

In the wonderful world of Weight Watchers, "scale hopping" is the term used to describe the action of weighing yourself at times other than your normal, weekly weigh in.

I am a big fan of this practice.

It is said that, when you reach your goal, you should weigh yourself each day so that you have firm control of your weight. Let’s face it – a week of bad eating will have a bigger effect than only a day. If the pants are starting to snug up and strangle your midsection, you should knock of the bratwurst for a bit, and do so immediately. I believe that we should all live our daily lives as though we are already at goal, so I weigh myself frequently.

Anyway, I “scale hopped” this morning and found that I had wooshed off some serious weight, about 5 pounds or so. Stand by….


Sorry, that had to be done. It’s been quite some time since I’ve lost any kind of notable weight, and I’m so bloody happy that my body is finally cooperating. Well, it could be that I am finally cooperating, but let’s not dwell on the negative.

I have two days left before weigh in and you can be sure that I will be working out like a muscle-bound freak on ‘roids. I so want to be done with the 170’s. I so want to be within 10 pounds of my goal weight. I so want to be at GOAL!!!

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