Monday, September 24, 2007

Salmon, Chocolate and "The Crag"

The scale was very good to me this week – I lost 4.6 pounds! Wow!

I celebrated my 18th wedding anniversary on September 16, 2007 at Davinci’s Eatery, and the food was delicious. My sister described the lovely salmon we ate as “heaven on a plank of cedar”, and it was just that – heaven. In fact, I raced to the market the next day to purchase food-grade planks of cedar, salmon, capers, lemons, etc. I’m sure I will never prepare the fish in the same, delicate way, but I don’t care. I loved the taste!

Of course, I had a points-sucking piece of dessert as well. Some kind of chocolate peanut butter concoction that was sure to foil whatever hopes I had at the scale this week, but it didn’t. I counted the points and moved on. It was good, but I didn’t need the entire dessert. It was way too filling for my now smaller-sized stomach.

I did some quality exercise this past week, to include a 2-hour hike with my sister at Thorncrag Bird Sanctuary. This place is a natural gem in the middle of our busy city. We were wringing wet with sweat in no time, and I loved every minute of our hike. I should note that the hills are much easier to climb when I have my darling dog, Ginger, hauling my ass up via leash tow. I did not take Ginger with me for that very reason. I needed to face the ‘crag’ on my own, and I did just that!

I also learned that I am much more active now, and my body needs FUEL in order to LOSE weight. Weird concept, I know, because this confirms that all of these starving models are wicked stupid. Yes, if they ate more perhaps they wouldn’t look so bloody pinch-faced all the time. No food makes for a pissy girl, I always say.

I had salmon and chocolate therefore I am smart. Oh, and smaller.

I’m a hangnail away from 45 pounds lost at this point (44.4), and I have 12 pounds left to lose to reach my goal of a healthy body mass index (BMI). The Promised Land is in sight.

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