Thursday, August 23, 2007

Summer Break

Ok, Sister, I get the hint. I have been very lazy about posting, but it mirrored what was happening in my life. I've been on a "Summer Break" of sorts. That is about to change, however!

I experienced a stubborn plateau after reaching the 175 pound mark, and I've been stuck for some time. It was a real plateau, but there may have been other forces at work as well.

I think I just got sick of the way I was forced to eat on the Flex Plan. I made healthy choices within my points range, but I was always RAVENOUS. Honestly, why does salmon, an exceptionally healthy food, get such a bad rap with points?!? If I chose to include the healthiest of food choices, I was hard-pressed to fit all of my healthy guidelines in and still be on program and within my points range. The whole thing was very frustrating.

I did some lurking on the WW Core Board, and found the information there to be very interesting. I will eat healthy, fat-free, whole foods to satisfaction. My healthy guidelines are included in the program without counting and weighing. Salmon is not the enemy!

I officially switched to the Core Plan on August 20, 2007. Is it easy? No. Am I satisfied? Yes! Am I hungry? NO! Will I break through my plateau and get the scale moving in a downward fashion once again? YOU BET YER ASS!

I do miss bread, and I still have the same issues of evening binge eating. I am not denying myself the bread - I just use my extra points allowance for the bread. Overcoming my binge/emotional eating habits will be the biggest challenge/reward of my weight loss journey. That behavior is what got me here (that being FAT) in the first place.

In spite of the scale-stall, I am very happy with how I look. I still have a long way to go (I'd like to lose another 35 pounds), but I find that I like my reflection in the mirror. I can see the real me, without the disgusting fat suit screwing up the view.

Yes, I'm a hot chica!

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